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The Liberty Blog

Let's Talk About Ballot Initiatives in San Antonio

Posted: 4/20/15

Early voting in May 9 city elections is starting April 27. With so many cities and so many candidates, we Liberty folks want to point out that there are other issues on the ballot too - issues that affect local liberty.

For example, the City of San Antonio wants us to vote on allowing them to create an Edwards Aquifer Protection Venue Project which includes additional sales taxes for five years. So first thing to note, this raises taxes. Yes, it supposedly has a time limit, but the number of times these additional taxes actually end of going away once instituted – abysmally low.

Here's how the proposition is described: Revenue from the (.0125) sales tax would be used to finance, fully develop and implement the Edwards Aquifer Protection Venue Project to preserve open space and protect the Edwards Aquifer water supply. It is designed to earmark 100 million dollars of sales tax revenue for water protection and land preservation and acquisition.

This initiative is closely tied to the second proposition. If approved, Prop 2 earmarks 80 million dollars of sales tax revenue to continue building the Howard W. Peak Greenway Trail system. That includes areas where the city has already said it is willing to use eminent domain to take other people's property - for the good of the many.

Most Liberty people will agree that neighbors who want to tell you what to do with your property, whether it's for your own good or the good of the community, are uncomfortable neighbors! AND governments who want come in and take over land because they can use it better are uncomfortable governments.

We believe in property rights. We also believe in holding taxes as low as possible, not increasing them.